
Year in Review

1. Great Expectations was my favourite work this year, simply because it was the most relatable of the works, and in a sense it was a “complete” journey/work. Great Expectation boils down to a story of a boy who goes to any length to be with his love, it as a story that is relatable to anyone. Anyone, and Everyone 2. My least favourite work this year is a three-way tie between “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”,  ”The  Awakening”, and like water for chocolate. The reason is very simple, I am not a girl, I don’t think it’s my fault as a reader, because I tried really hard to relate to each work, but after the point where I thought about how It would be to not be with the man I loved, I stopped. There are no famous Dairies for Men, there is however the Pulitzer prize winners.... 3. I have read a lot of works this year, and the biggest lesson I learned from each of them (including my least favourites) is that to truly understand a work you most rid your...


Everyone of us has procrastinated at one point or another; it’s a common and natural thing. Procrastination is basically part of us saying “please no more, I’ll do it later”, and the rest of us agrees. The funny thing about procrastination is that, when you do put something off you will have a voice in your head that will nag you senseless, that too is also natural Harboring the belief that Satan stalks you....totally natural The beauty of procrastination is that it can be done anytime, anywhere; all you need is laziness and time. One memorable experience of mine with procrastination was when I put off sleeping for four nights in a row. For future reference do not try that, you will start collapsing all over the place, and having to explain those collapse will be beyond hilarity. Also the chances of this happening will increase...significantly As a result of my self-exile, near the 3 rd and 4 th day I was delirious, nonsensical, and even less ...

Great Presentations

Recently my AP Literature class had presentations where the students had to teach about certain chapter of the book. Basically everyone had to endure five presentations each thirty minutes long about stuff that people already were supposed to know. So by the time my presentation came up everyone had seen every possible way to be creative with information that everyone already memorized through our annotations of the book. Great Idea, Small kinks                 In our own presentation my associate and I tried to challenge the class, and force them to think, DRIIIIIIINK!!!!!!!! Totally applies to my situation   We planned to achieve this by asking questions that you could answer if you read the chapter, instead of just listening to the chapter summary, this made the audience work beyond just parroting the last few words we said. The challenge was well received as it caused o...


In the article “ Vanish ” writer Evan Ratliff tries to go off the grid while a group o f jobless, tech-savvy hunters fight to find him, for five thousand dollars.  Really guys? 744 man hours for 5,000 dollars? was the internet down? The challenge was Evan had to stay off the grid for a month, which his editor agreed to for the sake of Evan’s article.             The article itself was stupidly exciting, Highlighting Evan’s addiction to dangers, and close-shaves. Evan spent two months planning his disappearance, but even with all the planning Evan was hardly the meticulously careful evader, often ta king big risks that if I was hiding I would not. Then again if I was writing the article it would be about how I spent a month in basements all over the country fighting hobos for survival and respect, so essentially it would be better. Basically the plot of Condemned 2, without that Hadouken stupidity...


Yesterday LAS Highschool had a speech competition, I was one of the three selected to present their speech. So logically I drove four hours to Islamabad to avoid it. I found out that a close friend of mine won, which only reiterates the fact that i had a genuine shot at winning. the cherry on top of this sad realization is that not only did I forfeit my chance at winning, by leaving I missed out on extra credit. Because why take a class if you miss the extra credit?                 My written speech wasn’t bad, it was interesting, and it kept me awake. I even picked my topic by gauging which topic was funnier, in the end it was a coin toss between “How to install undetectable cameras in children’s’ locker room”, and “Why my toast always falls Jam first”. "'Cos if it ain't just Golden-Brown, it be going down" I might not be a comedian, a writer, or even a self-sufficient person, but I p...

Goals for Senior Year

My goals for senior year are; 1)       Get accepted into a good college. 2)        Join the  SAISA Football, and Basketball teams 3)       Make a plan for my life 4)       Make this year as memorable as humanly possibly 'Cause the post just isn't that funny


      Racism is a serious issue as illustrated in both ‘ Crash ’ and White Privilege , all my life I have not believed racism to be a factor in my life, or my classmates’ lives. It might just be that I grew-up with the opportunity to be a part of racially diverse schools, but I don’t believe that to be the only factor. Pictured above; racial diversity I’ll be honest I grew up with no true understanding to what was happening around me, which I believe to be the only way for an 11 year old to live.  So when I met people of other races, I just saw people, no preconceptions. The Baconian Fallacy in empirical reasoning is when you bring preconceived notions to the table and that’s what racism boils down to, assumptions. John Ritter’s character on 8 simple rules said “When you assume to make an ass out of you and me;” in the end that’s what racists do they make asses out of themselves and anyone who believes them.       "When you...