
Everyone of us has procrastinated at one point or another; it’s a common and natural thing. Procrastination is basically part of us saying “please no more, I’ll do it later”, and the rest of us agrees. The funny thing about procrastination is that, when you do put something off you will have a voice in your head that will nag you senseless, that too is also natural

Harboring the belief that Satan stalks you....totally natural

The beauty of procrastination is that it can be done anytime, anywhere; all you need is laziness and time. One memorable experience of mine with procrastination was when I put off sleeping for four nights in a row. For future reference do not try that, you will start collapsing all over the place, and having to explain those collapse will be beyond hilarity.

Also the chances of this happening will increase...significantly

As a result of my self-exile, near the 3rd and 4th day I was delirious, nonsensical, and even less co-ordinated than usual. As far as consequences go, I merely nodded off every now and again in classes, but then again I do that even when I have eight hours of sleep. Looking back I realize Past-me was an idiot, the only thing I can take away from this experience is that avoiding sleep is like breaking down a wall with only your forehead, it can be done, but why would you?
Because your man commanded you might be a viable reason

My procrastination is very different then Hamlet’s as he was putting off a task that was serious and arduous, I on the other hand put off sleep, a task half of those who have read this play can do without skipping a beat.  One thing that Hamlet can take away from my experience (as strange as it was), is that when you do, or you don’t do something, you better have a good reason for doing either.

They ended nap time, she ended them.....seems legit


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