
     Racism is a serious issue as illustrated in both ‘Crash’ and White Privilege, all my life I have not believed racism to be a factor in my life, or my classmates’ lives. It might just be that I grew-up with the opportunity to be a part of racially diverse schools, but I don’t believe that to be the only factor.

I’ll be honest I grew up with no true understanding to what was happening around me, which I believe to be the only way for an 11 year old to live.  So when I met people of other races, I just saw people, no preconceptions. The Baconian Fallacy in empirical reasoning is when you bring preconceived notions to the table and that’s what racism boils down to, assumptions.
John Ritter’s character on 8 simple rules said “When you assume to make an ass out of you and me;” in the end that’s what racists do they make asses out of themselves and anyone who believes them.     
 "When you 'presume', you 'press' 'u' to 'me'" - Bridget

 My generation is more informed, I guess that’s why I haven’t seen much racism, but it’s more than that, racism is dying because it just doesn’t make sense to people of my generation. In the movie ‘Crash,’ racism comes up when people have the luxury to indulge in these stupid misconceptions, in times of trouble they all figure out that racism means nothing. when the stuff hits the fan you won't care that you were saved by an African American, you'll be glad to be saved period.
But racism isn’t dead, is it? The reason it’s still around, is because there are still people around perpetuating stereotypes.

Ah, Apu how you subvert stereotypes, by OWNING the shop you clerk

Ben “Yathzee” Croshaw states what I believe much more eloquently, the gist of which is that the Rap/Hip-Hop/Triad/Mafiosi/Red-Neck subcultures are helping perpetuate racism. Neither does the fact that everyone has to live in fear of essentially being “Racist until proven Not Racist” .People on both sides of the law are propagating stereotypes, and walking on eggshells to make sure they neither say nor do anything that can be contrived as racist. Attitudes such as these leads to further assumptions and that in turn lead to increasing amounts of racism.

do they taste similar?

I dislike Peggy McIntosh’s concept because it takes the “look-at-the-front-only” approach. Hypothetically let’s assume, with myself being a Pakistani man vying for the same job as a white man. The person can both, hire me and have his judgment questioned, or he can do the opposite and still have his judgment questioned. The other candidate could be questioned to not even have the skills necessary; He’d only be a preferable alternative than the Pakistani. The essence is, you only find what you are looking for; Ms. McIntosh went out looking for white privileges and she found them, however she didn’t dig deeper and find white disadvantages. Those disadvantages being:
1)      There can be no white oriented pride group without it being considered racist.
2)      Racist until proven “Not Racist”
3)      No such things as hate crimes against white, neither called nor charged as such.
I hear horrible sunburns are also a problem

There are others, but I think I have proven my point.
                Racism is only around because it is an active choice made by people, to either see or perceive underlying factors in peoples’ motivations derived by racist intentions. I’ve always believed racism was a non-factor for my generation, but I was wrong. Racism is always going to be a factor as long as there are uninformed, misguided people willing to propagate the stereotypes while others, too obsessed with racism, see it everywhere. With a little awareness and some effort racism will die.

Women jokes, however will remain hilarious


  1. loving all the pictures zamran :)

  2. Zamran,

    I'm not sure whether you're hoping for general feedback on your blog or specific suggestions for this most recent essay.

    Having perused many a blog in my day, I can definitely confirm you've got the general structure down; the snarky captions remind me of Cracked.com.

    As for the piece itself, I'm uniquely equipped to address the extent to which it reads well for a reader other than your teacher; to be blunt, it doesn't.

    I don't know what Mrs. Maloney's prompt entails, but I found that you too frequently cite these articles (or whatever they are) without providing any context. Perhaps that's fine; presumably it will only be your teacher and peers posting comments. But since you invited me to check out your blog, I'll say it again: without briefly restating the ideas you refer to throughout your post, you run the risk of leaving your reader(s) feeling baffled.

    Beyond that, I'll just suggest the thing I suggest to every writer I ever meet: read your work aloud before submitting it. There's no better way to catch your own errors.

    Also, for all their ostensible diversity, keep in mind the recipe of the original Power Rangers: the Black Ranger was a black guy, the Yellow Ranger was Asian, the Pink Ranger was a girl, and the White Ranger was the most powerful Ranger of all.


    The Green Ranger

  3. Ty green ranger, I think that I have forgotten rather important hyper links, as for your concern for diversity, in the caption under the power rangers, there's a link to the very hilarious college humour short, entailing the racism of the original power rangers. lol but its interesting that it was that evident for everyone in general, hope u enjoy the video. yeah I ended up emulating cracked a lot, I hope that in time ill grow out of using the style too much as a crutch


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