
Yesterday LAS Highschool had a speech competition, I was one of the three selected to present their speech. So logically I drove four hours to Islamabad to avoid it. I found out that a close friend of mine won, which only reiterates the fact that i had a genuine shot at winning. the cherry on top of this sad realization is that not only did I forfeit my chance at winning, by leaving I missed out on extra credit.

Because why take a class if you miss the extra credit?

                My written speech wasn’t bad, it was interesting, and it kept me awake. I even picked my topic by gauging which topic was funnier, in the end it was a coin toss between “How to install undetectable cameras in children’s’ locker room”, and “Why my toast always falls Jam first”.

"'Cos if it ain't just Golden-Brown, it be going down"

I might not be a comedian, a writer, or even a self-sufficient person, but I pride myself on subtle humour, failing that I at least don’t bore with quotes or high-minded rhetoric, I speak as me, and no one else.
 My presentation however would have been where I shot myself in the feet, the shins, and the kneecaps.  In the class presentations I kept imagining my words in their underwear, and mixing up my audience. For a kid who dressed up in silver tights, while singing a solo, public speaking in my own clothes was still harder. One of the main reasons I messed up my speech was because I was in too much of a hurry to reach the good bits. I had severe lack of faith in my own topic, I heard some amazing speeches, that moved the soul, and all I had was an AIDs jokes and paranoia. I have been told by many close-friends I cannot take myself seriously, which sort of explains why I burst out laughing during my speech, also explains why I gig… chuckle when I shave.


Despite the fact that I am from the Kayne West Camp of losing, I’m happy to see familiar faces win.  They stepped up and gave a speech in front of our entire student body, I’m sure if I hadn’t successfully escaped to Islamabad I would have probably been the first guy to clap for all of them.... after winning the 12th grade division

From left to right:  Me, Marty

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