Year in Review

1. Great Expectations was my favourite work this year, simply because it was the most relatable of the works, and in a sense it was a “complete” journey/work. Great Expectation boils down to a story of a boy who goes to any length to be with his love, it as a story that is relatable to anyone.

Anyone, and Everyone

2. My least favourite work this year is a three-way tie between “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”,  ”The  Awakening”, and like water for chocolate. The reason is very simple, I am not a girl, I don’t think it’s my fault as a reader, because I tried really hard to relate to each work, but after the point where I thought about how It would be to not be with the man I loved, I stopped.

There are no famous Dairies for Men, there is however the Pulitzer prize winners....

3. I have read a lot of works this year, and the biggest lesson I learned from each of them (including my least favourites) is that to truly understand a work you most rid yourself from pre-conceptions. A good Reader comes with an open mind, and must be willing to relate to the issues the book presents.

4. I need to write coherently. One of my main faults as a writer is that I cannot structure my essays as well as they could be. Not to sound arrogant, but my ideas are sound, I just present those ideas on a rusted platter, and I demand you to lick the plate clean. 

Pictured Above: My Writing

5. As a student I learned to respect the writing process, I wish I had taken the time to revise some of my drafts on my own, as one of my dominant problems in writing, besides coherence, is the inability to respect the mechanics of writing. Apparently in my head all punctuation can be substituted by commas, and a semi-colon is only an organ half of the time.

Hanging Clause? Is that some kind of sick Santa snuff film?

6. To be honest I don’t feel like a learned a lot on the technology front, the closest we ever came in this AP class was using things like Prezi, and Spiderscribe, but their introduction and implementation were odd, and clunky.  These methods were also abandoned after one time stints, we did used Google docs which I felt was implemented well, and was necessary, and we did use eBooks, but beyond that technology was just a brief acquaintance.

Boring is boring, even with technology

7. As a class itself AP English was a great tool for validating my love of outside-reading. It is because of that habit of reading, I felt I had an edge during the APs and the mocks. So the lesson that I take away is a lesson I always kind of had an inkling for, time spent reading, is time invested. Hence from now on I‘ll continue this habit I’ve formed


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