Sticky Notes
Having an inner child means a lot of things to many different people, for Tom Hanks it means having amazing keyboard skills , or for the people of Japan it might mean erecting a life-size version of something that represents made-of-win decisions. To me however an inner child is useless psychological jargon. I mean what would an inner child have to do with me, an eternally youthful/childish individual? I mean we have all seen people busting their humps off for things that have intrinsic worth, at the cost of their happiness. I used to reassure myself that I would never be one of them, but what was wrong with being like them? Apparently you would be sad whenever it's 1:10 PM 1 week ago I had a tedious job of annotating a comic book, not one of the first things someone decides to do with a comic book. It was tedious because I wanted to annotate every page, tedious because I had used 2 sticky pads for that job, tedious because I knew if given a choice I probably wouldn’t be doing ...